Thursday, October 28, 2010

i think it was a good reason.i think it was because curley was going to shoot him in the gut and plus they had no where to run away so yea. And plus curley was already out for lennie and it wasnt pain full. Another is dat it was better dat george did it because he didnt want curley to kill him.
what i like bout the book mice and men was that it was a intresting and sad and emotional movie.what i like most about it was adventurous and funny and some of it was sad for me because lennie died.what i didnt like how lennie kept on hurting people and pets and dat george killed lennie.One thing i like bout the film was dat it showed how adventurous it was and what happened and had exciting scenes like when lennie gets killed and when lennie kills curleys wife.I really didnt dislike nothing on the film.Things i like about the book is dat when we kept on reading i like when it got to and exciting part in the book and i liked how they cused lol.What i dislike about the book was dat it had parts in the book dat didnt show in the movie.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yes i agree what carlson did because the dog was not in shape and it barely couldnt see so yea i wouldve did da same,it is not ok to shoot a animal bacause dat is cruel and messed reason why its wrong to kill a animal because it is mean and it is savage.another reason y it is because it like killing a human but its juss a animal.also i dnt like killing animals but the postion dat candy dog was in needed to be killed because his life  was pointless and done.the dog was old and blind and it smelled real i agree wiff carlson decision because it was the ritee thing to do because da dog life was over so yea i do.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

wass good my name is jerome but i am betta known as rome..i am frm silver spring favorite sports is football and basketball.i like to chill wiff my friends.i like traviling places like downtown silver spring,gallery place in washingtion dc,and chinatown bufday is sepetember 29 which is today likeee..i juss turned 15 yea why wassup! and i have 4 brovas.